Sunday, April 26, 2009

To: Dusty

Dear Dusty,

Alway's know how much we love you! We miss you more than you could ever know! We look at your pictures and our heart's are torn between joy & sorrow! You will never leave our heart! There will always be a special place in our family just for you! You have been the sunshine in our life from the moment you entered in and that will never change. Please don't ever forget how much we love you! You are knuckles "Pork Chop" forever and always! He will never have another princess in his life. And, knuckles will always remember your sweet little smile and we all will forever cherish the sound of your joyful giggle! If we could see you today, we would be there and if you could come here, knuckles would fly like a Superman to pick you up! We love you and we miss you so much more than anyone will ever care to know!

Love you forever, Jodi, Knuckles, Justin, Nathan, Ben & Sam

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