Saturday, April 25, 2009

'Dusty & Seth"

"Oregon Coast"


"Oregon Coast"
"Summer 2008"


"Oregon Coast"
"Summer 2008"

Oregon Jam

"Oregon Jam" - Sweethome, Oregon "2008"
"Sugarland" - "Joe Nichols" - "Kelli Pickler" -
"Trent Tomlinson"

Pretty Flower's

More view & Flower's

Critter's & View

View from our back yard & some of the lil' critter's who live behind us!

Friday, April 24, 2009


"Under that towel, he's wearing a thong"!

"Before & After"

"Before the Army" "After the Army"

Joseph & Aja




Joseph, Justin & Nathan

Joseph & Justin

Joseph & Nathan

"Stand Together with Strength, Courage & Honor".........

"Forever United".......

"Let No Man Sever the Bond of"........


Ben, Sam & Joseph

(Lt) Joseph & Ben - Graduation Day!

(Rt) Joseph & Sam - Graduation Day!

Mom, Dad, Joseph

After the graduation ceremony! Joseph "LOVES" to have pictures taken with his parent's! It's written all over his face! "I love taking pic's with mom & dad"!


The pictures are backward's. Starting from the bottom and then right to left...
1) Taking the stage
2) Announcing his name & rank
3) Accepting his "BCT" diploma from his Captain
4) Walking the stage
And...That's it! I cried too hard to get good photo's and too many tear's to get more photo's! I was fine until he stepped up on the stage and then it was like "Niagra Fall's" pouring from my eye's!

Ben, Sam & Dad

(lt) Sam
(rt) Ben

"Nathan & Ben"

"Life is about helping a brother float, rather than watching him sink"

"Ben's Stunt's"

And...."Sometime's... I like to do thisss"!

"I bet you can't do this"!

"Ben & Nathan"

Who can jump higher?

"Walking on Water"

Can you honestly say that you have walked on water? Sam can!

I alway's knew that he is a perfect child and now I have a picture to prove it!

"Mom & Aja"

Cuz we're model's...That's why!
Don't say nothin' but I think Aja is jealous
cuz I'm so hottt! I tried to assure her that she too can be as pretty as me some day! It just take's lot's of hard work! You don't just wake up one day with a body like mine!

Mom & Joseph

Mama pettin' the baby's bald head just like I did when he was a little guy!

"Stewardess Aja"